Mini Spring Haul

I say mini, because everything seen here I purchased just today. I hadn't planned on going shopping at all, just needed to run a few errands in town and somehow ended up buying an entire outfit! >.<"

Don't judge me yet though, because I picked up each piece for over half its original price and I'm pretty chuffed with my bargains. I hadn't noticed how well everything tied together until I got home, gearing me up for spring.

Ankle boots: H&M - £7 
Knitted jumper: H&M - £10
Coral skirt: River Island - £10
Bracelet: Dorothy Perkins - £3

There were several of each item in the stores I visited, so if there's anything specific here you fancy, it may very well still be available in the places I listed above!

Have a fabulous Easter weekend cuties!

With love~


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